Raw Milk

We're in our 16th year of being licensed by the state of Massachusetts as a Raw Milk provider. You can purchase milk in half or full gallons, and we’ll have it ready for you if we know you are coming with either a text, call or an email telling us when you’d like to pick it up.  Our dairy goats enjoy a diet of 100% organic grasses and minimal conventional grains.  We milk beautiful Alpine, Toggenburg, and Nubian does who give us great-tasting and super nutritious goat's milk. We chill it and bottle it for easy pick-up in half or full gallon recyclable bottles. Since we are a micro-dairy we don't stock quantities of milk as larger stores do. We sell mostly by pre-order. Simply call or email ahead with your size and quantity preference - half or full gallon,  and we will have it ready for you when you arrive. We offer a tour of the farm when you come for your milk. Also, you can pick-up milk on a regular basis using our self-serve (honor) system we have in place for frequent customers.  We are proud to part of the Northeast Organic Farms Massachusetts Raw Milk Network and The Campaign for Real Milk of the Weston Price Foundation.

You can shop for raw milk on the farm online in our Online Farm Store .

Kid in bucket


Kids and Kids

Kids of all ages enjoy being with our goat kids. We think the relationship is reciprocal. What do you think?

Ady Feeding
Ady and Josh
Mother Julia with newborn