Egg Laying Hens and Ducks

We sell fresh organic eggs by the dozen and half-dozen. Our birds are free-ranging, eating only organic-feed, and scratching in the soil as they please just as nature intended. We are certified organic through Baystate Organic Certifiers.



Organic Whole Chickens

Let us raise your meat chickens for you! Our goal is to grow healthy, happy, nutritious meat chickens for you while holistically managing our land and respecting the animals in our care.  Shop our Online Farm Store  to see our offerings of whole chickens and specialty half-size cuts this year.

The meat chickens we raise are a broad-breasted Cornish-Cross variety. They are pasture-raised and free to roam and range the woodlands, and grassy areas of our small-scale farm.  They enjoy the outdoors daily.

Read Comments from past CSA members:

We LOVED the chickens and will definitely be ordering again this year. I've printed out the form and will mail it in asap.


We thoroughly enjoyed the chicken last fall – both the great, fresh taste and knowing that it was grown locally with care and compassion.