A diversified family farm located in Pepperell, MA — about 43 miles northwest of Boston.



To help ensure our vision of "healthy land, healthy people and healthy communities", The Herb Hill farm uses regenerative agriculture practices in our dairy, poultry and crop enterprises. We take an Holistic Management approach to managing our farm.

Regenerative agriculture with Holistic Management practices describe farming and grazing methods that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil biological life, including organic matter,  and restoring soil with biodiversity resulting in both carbon sequestration and improved waterways.

These practices increase the health of our soil providing high quality organic vegetables. Organic practices increase our yields and produce more nutritious, organic food while alleviating weed and pest pressure. In addition, they sustain the health and well-being of the livestock that graze our soils. It is truly a natural regenerative system. Simply put our soils feed the crops we grow, our crops feed us.

"An agriculture focused on regenerative practices is by definition an agriculture focused on improving soil health through increased soil carbon and life in the soil. While industrial agriculture has been mining the soil of minerals, fertility, and life for the last 50+ years, regenerative agriculture is about growing and feeding soil life." -  www.holisticmanagement.org

Goat's Milk

Now in our 16th year, we are Massachusetts licensed producers of raw goat's milk. Our does are hand-milked twice a day and enjoy organic pasture grasses when weather permits. We sell great-tasting nutritious goat's milk by the gallon and half-gallon.

The Herb Hill Farm Milk is from goats raised without growth hormones and antibiotics on a family-run farm. Our milk is excellent in quality and processed in small batches to maintain its great taste. Our goats eat organic soy-free grain and are outdoors eating natural habitat they choose.
Read about the safety and valuable nutrition of raw milk (from both cows and goats' ) at the Real Milk website .

Locally Laid Certified Organic Eggs

Healthy nutritious eggs start with chickens grazing healthy soils. Our farm sells fresh local eggs from chickens raised with kindness, free to roam our regenerative pastures, providing you with simply good organic food. With more Omega 3’s than 6’s, our eggs stand tall and colorful in the fry pan. You can pick up a dozen in our Farm Store, or in our weekly CSA distributions.

Certified Organic Chickens for Meat

 Reconnecting you to your food, our farm raises certified organic chickens, simply good pure chicken for the consumer who cares about humane care, local flavor, and cost effective meals. Cook once, eat twice or more with our whole chickens for multiple meals, plus healthy chicken bone broth and parts. Our chickens free range local organic pastureland in Pepperell. They like to eat organic grain as well. After 8 weeks, they are 4-5 lbs and are processed in a USDA facility.

Certified Organic Vegetables

We offer a 4-week organic vegetable distribution program or CSA each month for 7 months of the year. We grow plenty of greens and typical vegetables for you to enjoy during the growing season. Our farm grows real food you can trust for your family. Healthy food starts with healthy land and organic seed. Grown in our certified organic soil, with our own compost, you can expect simple, pure organic produce. Local flavor, hand-picked for you just before packing, your vegetables are the freshest tasting they can be.  Our pick up locations are both in Andover and at the farm in Pepperell. You will find our produce at Local Food Works and for retail sale in our 4-week programs.  We're certified organic through Baystate Organic Certifiers.

Read about us at:  http://www.nshoremag.com/Placesfaces/Good-Stewards/